Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Eighth Grade Project

Whew!  Eighth grade is over.  I made it.  I mean he made it.  I guess I mean we made it.  Lots of people told me that things really amp up in the eighth grade.  Socially, academically and emotionally.  And, dang, they weren't kidding!  But it's over!  For now.  I have to do it again in a couple of years.  With a girl.  I'm gonna need more cake!

Several weeks before school was out I got the now dreaded teacher appreciation email.  After this and this I was a little gun shy of teacher appreciation lunch days.  The email gave a list of items needed and out beside it each one in parentheses it gave instructions such as, Pasta Salad (I'll send the recipe) or Gallon jug of tea (no lemon flavored please).  Here is what it said for dessert:  Dessert (only pretty, yummy desserts please).  I'm totally not kidding.  It might as well have said no chunky purple cakes or artificially flavored Kroger cakes.  Come on people.  Everybody has a bad day...or two.  Mine just happen to fall on teacher appreciation day.

That seriously bothered me the whole day.  It also steeled my resolve to make the cake I had been wanting to make happen. So here it goes!

Dear eighth teachers of the school where my child spent the last three years,

It's been an interesting year, so I made you this cake.

It has three layers.  Two are vanilla and one is chocolate.  It's filled with buttercream and fudgey chocolate and has buttercream on the outside and has poured chocolate fudgey goodness on top.  It's gluten free in case you are into giving bonus points.  We could use them in science please.

It has been a good three years and I wanted to say thanks.  So here goes.

Dear choir teacher,
I should have made you a cake for just you.  You gave him a place to belong and something to be good at.  You love middle school boys and are so wonderful with them.  That alone deserves a cake.

Dear drama teacher,
I do believe his best memories will be of play practices.  Thank you for making that happen.  Thank you for unending hours with LOTS of middle schoolers.  Thank you also for giving him something to be good at.

Dear pre-algebra teacher,
Lord have mercy, we did it!  Thank you for your patience and extra help (with me.)  I never made a B in Algebra in my entire life so I am beyond thrilled.  And like I told you, he HATES math but he still loves you so you must be awesome.

Dear science teacher,
It was long, it was hard, it is over for us both!  Let's eat cake!

Dear reading teacher,
I really had just woken up from surgery when I sent you that frustrated email.  Probably not the best time to send an email but he did work hard on that project.  And an F seemed extreme.  I am sorry.  Please eat some cake and forget I'm that boy's crazy mother.

Dear everybody else that made middle school actually tolerable for my boy.  I appreciate you.  It has been fun.  It really has.  Hang on to your hats though, I have another one coming your way.  She is nothing like her brother but is awesome in her own way.

See you in August.