This post is not about food at all. Or maybe it is. Food is a big part of any family. It's Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's muffins on Saturday morning and that one thing your mama makes that makes your heart warm because she made it just for you.
My heart is heavy this morning. It's been heavy all week. Our community has had a tragedy over the weekend. Three young lives lost. Three. All at once. I didn't know those boys or those families but I know lots of people who do know them. And we are sad. Their funerals are this morning and my first thought this morning was of their mammas. How do you do that day? How?
The worst thing that has ever happened to me was the loss of my Daddy. It was sudden and unexpected much like these boys. I would never compare the loss of my Daddy to the loss of a child. It is light years of difference, but last night I kept thinking about my Grandmother. He was 55 years old when he died. She was 85. But you know what. It didn't matter. He was still her baby boy and the pain was immense. They never stop being your babies. You never stop worrying for them and about them. But worry gets us no where. I will admit to some extra worry this week. When Will rode down the driveway on his bike Moday morning to go to school my thought was, "Please come home this afternoon. Please come home and eat all the cookies I just bought and text your friends and answer every question I ask with a shrug and a "Uh." Please. "
I have been praying for these families all weeks. What do you pray? I don't know. And thats ok. The Bible promises that the spirit interecedes for us when we don't know what to say. I have prayed for peace that passes understanding to guard their hearts and minds. I know that sometimes our thoughts and the fears in our hearts can overtake us. I pray for a peaceful mind and a peaceful heart which is not possible in times like thiswithout the grace of Jesus.
And I have prayed for my children. And if I'm completely honest I've prayed,"Dear Lord, please don't let this happen to me." But that is not what I need to be praying. I am praying that their lives will honor Him. That they will love the Lord with all their hearts and minds and souls. That they will love others and that others will see Jesus in them. That their lives will be bring honor and praise to him.
And from what I have read and heard that is what these boys lives have done. Even in death. That is the hope of Jesus Christ! First Corintians tells us that although we don't understand right now one day will see face to face! We will see God's plan in total. We will see Jesus face to face. We will see our fathers and husbands and children. We will see them and we will see them while we all see Jesus.
I know this is a little heavy for a food blog. But it's on my heart. We had a big weekend with a HUGE party at our house and that post is almost fifnished but it just didn't seem right to post about a party when the people around me are hurting. Tomorrow. For today pray for these families. Pray for your children. Love the people around you.
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