Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The one with the BIG party!

We had a big party at our house last weekend. How big you ask?  Guess. 

25 people? Nope. Guess again. 
75 people?  Nope. Keep going. 
100 people?  Getting closer. 
Our best guess is about 130 people. And by people I mean middle schoolers. At least 100 of those people were sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. Yep. 
How did I end up with over 100 people at my house last Saturday night?  
Cue the flash back music. 
My 13 year old was in the middle schools production of High School Musical. He was Chad.  I'm so proud of him.  He did an awesome job. There are few things as satisfying as a parent than seeing your child in their element. Enjoying themselves, excelling at something, being with friends and being happy.  With a 13 year old than can be hard to come by sometimes.  
I was helping get some snacks set up for the kids before the show and was chatting with a friend as the kids finished up practicing the last number. I had not been to any of the rehearsals so it was the first time I had seen or heard any of it.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw the main character, a friend of my son, step up to sing and then went back to my conversation.  I heard the voice change to another child and thought to myself, "what a nice voice."  I looked up to see who it was and there stood my boy singing his heart out.  I couldn't even help the tears that welled up.  So very proud.
Here he is getting ready to head to the show.

Anyway.... I had volunteered to help with the cast party and had not heard if anyone had taken the helm yet so I asked the director if she needed someone to organize.  She did and so I did.  Now let me say, I do love to plan a party.  It doesn't stress me out and I enjoying doing it. In the past we have had cast parties at restaurants or church gyms.  This was a large crowd so I opted for the church gym route.  We could play music, the kids could run around.  Easy peasy.  Except for the fact that that Sunday appeared to be the Sunday for banquets in the city of madison as every gym in town was unavailable.  We live in Madison, Mississippi. There is no shortage of church gyms. Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian. We tried them all.  No luck.  I received many emails encouraging me just to call the local pizza place, order a cake and call it done.  And therein lies the reason I ended up with 130 people at my house.
This is my son's last musical at the middle school.  I was in charge of the party.  No way I was planning a party with pizza and cake and that's it.  He can't have any of that. He would probably just roll with it and have good time but my conscience just wouldn't allow it.  So we had it our house.  And it was a blast!  Just ask my neighbors.
We did have pizza and cake, but we also had GF chocolate covered pretzels and GF chocolate chip cookies and GF cake balls and my friend Jill made GF party mix that was so good. 
I didn't really panic about having that many kids at my house until they all lined up on the stage at the end of the show.  Holy smoke that's a lot of kids and then after, "Thank you and goodnight" one of the kids grabbed the microphone and hollered, "Now let's go rock that cast party!".  As we came around the lake to our house and  car after car was  streaming down the street Shane said, "It looks like field of dreams! Except they are all coming to our house!". 
We played the High School Musical movie on a big screen outside.  We lit the fire pit and they roasted marshmallows and put away a ton of food.  They all cleared out within 15 minutes of the stated ending time and parents hung around and helped break down tables and clean up.  Nothing was broken and nobody called the cops for which I was grateful. It was a a really great time.
Here is a picture of the backyard.  Its not a very good picture but you get the idea.

This is Will and his friend Avery who was also in the show.

The moral of the story is this.  You do what you have to do for your kids and sometimes that means a big ole fat party at your house.  

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