Friends and food go together really great! Here are some of my favorite friend and food memories.
*About a week after my daddy died I got a nasty stomach bug. I remember being curled up on the floor of my brother's old room at my mom's house and thinking the world was probably coming to an end. It all just hurt so bad. And then I went home and my friend Jill had come to my house and plugged in her crockpot full of yummy roast and my house smelled like home. It smelled like maybe the world wasn't going to end. I still remember the way that roast smelled.
*My friend Trina makes a killer buttermilk pound cake and at Christmas she makes it in little loaves so you don't feel so bad when you eat the whole thing and tell your family you're sorry that Mrs. Trina was too busy to make pound cake this year.
I got my favorite dressing recipe ever from her also and I'm determined to make it GF this year.
*When I had my first baby I was in labor for like 6 years and when it was all over I was so hungry and my sister in law (who is also my friend) brought me a bacon spud from McAllisters and it was the best thing I ever ate!!! Truly.
*I was a newlywed during my last year at Samford. There was only one other girl in my classes that was married and we bonded that year while trying to make homemade gingerbread houses to make out little humble homes perfect for Christmas. They really weren't edible and they were less than perfect but we loved being domestic together and it is a sweet memory.
*My friend Stacey sent me a link to this recipe awhile back and it has become a favorite. Gluten free rolls that are soft and yummy and actually good! Yea for Stacey! She's the bomb diggety!!!
Brazillian Cheese Rolls
courtesy of Our Best Bites (great food blog)
Here is what you need
Tapioca flour is the only wierd thing in this recipe. You can find it in GF section of your grocery store. It's not hard to find and as far as GF things go not too expensive.
The hardest part of this recipe is this.
Yep. It's that easy. I had pregrated cheddar and I totally used it!
Into the blender, yes the blender, put
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup oil
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1 cup Tapioca flour
I put the flour in last to keep it from getting all stuck on the bottom. Pulse this all together and then add 1/4 cup of each kind of cheese. I used parmesan and cheddar. Whatever you like works. Pulse just a couple of times to get the cheese all mixed in. You end up with this.
Yea. Looks gross but keep going. Here is the most important thing about this recipe. Grease the mini muffin pan and grease it good. Spray your heart out with non stick spray. It'll break your heart if you don't. Once sprayed, pour the mixture into the muffin pan. It comes out nicely to 24 mini muffins. Don't fill them too much. these things grow!
These are a little too full.
Bake at 400 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. You don't want them brown just golden. Wait till you see this!!
I told you they grow!! The are kind of hollow and chewy on the inside and crispy on the outside. This is not a modified recipe, it actually uses the tapioca flour so it turns out right every time which is so nice. They are truly delicious!!! They are also addictive. I wasn't going to even eat one because I can't stop after one, but I did. And then I ate 5 more. Yep. Five.
So thanks Stacey for the recipe. You are the bomb-diggety. Whatever that is.
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